The luxury travel agents recommended here – we call them our China Experts – have all completed a China-centered training course and are uniquely qualified to help you book the perfect holiday with Imperial Tours. They will provide you with assistance in sorting out the complexities of international air, and will provide visa and travel insurance options. Those agents designated as Master Scholars have gone several steps further, having personally traveled with us in addition to having sent their clients to travel China with us on multiple occasions. Find a China Expert in your area or seek the advanced tutelage of a Master Scholar.
Working in the travel industry for the last 41 years has been a lifetime fulfillment as I have a passion for travel. There are very few destinations in the world I have not traveled to, and my specialty has been in luxury travel both land and sea vacations. Having traveled to China since
Read MoreI’ve been traveling all my life. Mostly with my business in PR and advertising. I also, did some broadcast journalism. After a brief retirement, a friend needed help with her corporate travel business handling her leisure business. It was a perfect fit for me with
Read MoreMy career began as a fashion buyer, and my trips to Europe and the Far East were handled seamlessly by the local travel agency. I have now been on the arranging side of travel for over 25 years, traveling from Australia to Zimbabwe . I am proud of the Certified Travel Counselor (CTC) designation awarded
Read MoreGreat Migrations Travel Advisors, is a boutique luxury travel company specializing in tailor made tours, adventure travel, and unique experiences. Having a Master’s Degree in Geography, I thoroughly enjoy investigating the new & trendy, as well as the ancient & historical nooks
Read MoreHe trabajado con la Organización Aviatur por más de 23 años como asesor de viajes internacionales y ahora vinculado a bcmviajes una de sus agencias asociadas, como Gerente de Producto.
Nuestra agencia se especializa en viajes de lujo a la medida que otorguen a nuestros
Read MoreMark Twain said it best: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover!”
I have a
Read MoreWith over 20 years in the travel industry, I enjoy learning about the people, history, culture, food and wine of every new destination. I am an expert who will work out all the details to ensure a flawless journey. As an avid traveler I have had the privilege of traveling to many countries within
Read MoreAfter applying my background in psychology to my family for 29 years, I took my expertise into the fantasy world of travel. I've enjoyed taking my clients to the depths of the Earth and circumnavigating the globe with them. I love the unusual, the out of the way places, and the smiles on the faces
Read MoreI am the Vice President of our newest division of Best Travel. Best Travel Gold, was designed to meet the needs of the most discriminating traveler for leisure and business travel as well as vacation packages.