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Find a China Travel Agent

The luxury travel agents recommended here – we call them our China Experts – have all completed a China-centered training course and are uniquely qualified to help you book the perfect holiday with Imperial Tours. They will provide you with assistance in sorting out the complexities of international air, and will provide visa and travel insurance options. Those agents designated as Master Scholars have gone several steps further, having personally traveled with us in addition to having sent their clients to travel China with us on multiple occasions. Find a China Expert in your area or seek the advanced tutelage of a Master Scholar.

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No Scholar Yet
Dayle Shapiro
Travel 100 Group
Northbrook, IL
No Scholar Yet
Jill Schiller
Travel 100 Group
Kenilworth, IL
No Scholar Yet
Josiane Saulnier
Andavo Travel of Marin
Larkspur, CA
No Scholar Yet
Faryde Santiana
Merit Travel
Mississauga, ON
No Scholar Yet
Tanya Sands
Scottsdale, AZ
No Scholar Yet
Kim Rudd
Corniche Travel
West Hollywood, CA
No Scholar Yet
Georgia Ritchie
Century Travel
Atlanta, GA

My natural planning and organizational skills (honed by many years as a lawyer) and life long passion for travel, combined with the incredible resources available through my association with Century Travel, bring extraordinary value to my clients.

I have dual citizenship and lived in London

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No Scholar Yet
Annie Ratteree
Frosch Travel
Deerfield, IL
No Scholar Yet
Jackie Pitts
Frosch Travel
Washington, DC
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