Find a China Travel Agent

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Find a China Travel Agent

The luxury travel agents recommended here – we call them our China Experts – have all completed a China-centered training course and are uniquely qualified to help you book the perfect holiday with Imperial Tours. They will provide you with assistance in sorting out the complexities of international air, and will provide visa and travel insurance options. Those agents designated as Master Scholars have gone several steps further, having personally traveled with us in addition to having sent their clients to travel China with us on multiple occasions. Find a China Expert in your area or seek the advanced tutelage of a Master Scholar.

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No Scholar Yet
Cecilia Salomon
Viajes Intermex
Puebla, Pue

Soy una persona comprometida con su trabajo, el cual me encanta y me entrego en cada una de las solicitudes que me piden mis clientes. En lo personal soy una mujer muy familiar que le gusta la lectura, la música y el baile y trato siempre de ponerme metas personales y profesionales que me hagan trabajar en mi misma para superarme.

No Scholar Yet
Andrea Goldstein
Viajes Excelsior
Mexico, D.F.

Soy un apasionado de China y Asia en general. Tuve la oportunidad de radicar en China y en Tailandia por varios años, lo cual ha dejado una huella imborrable. Ahora como asesor de viaje, Me gustaría inspirar al viajero a visitar este maravilloso lugar, que estoy segura será positivamente inolvidable.

No Scholar Yet
Diane Wilkinson
Century Travel
Atlanta, GA
No Scholar Yet
Jessica Siregar
Odyssey Travel
Jacksonville, FL

I believe travel is living life in love. It is a quest for adventure, an opportunity for learning that leaves us with lasting memories that bond the most important pieces of life that, for me, are family & great friends, time, personal growth and relationships. My personal brand is Wildcat Adventures

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No Scholar Yet
Karen Upchurch
Odyssey Travel
Ormond Beach, FL

My passion for travel led to my career in the travel industry beginning in 1985 when I opened Odyssey Travel. From the very beginning it has been a pleasure working with my clients and making their travel experiences something special. 

For me, travel is an opportunity to learn about

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No Scholar Yet
Brenda Gilbert
Connoisseur Travel
Washington, DC

Looking for that agency who will exceed your expectations?

Connoisseur’s team of expert travel consultants has been meeting the travel demands of our diverse, worldwide clientele and exceeding their expectations for over two decades. Most of our travel consultants have been with the agency

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No Scholar Yet
David Todd
Cruise Planners
Columbus, OH

Congratulations on taking the first step in planning your trip to China!  As a certified Imperial Tours China Expert I offer my services to you as your personal travel concierge.  I’ll take the time to get to know you, your travel style, and

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No Scholar Yet
Carlos Monge
New Act Travel
Los Angeles, CA

I consider myself to be an adventurous and highly passionate Travel Consultant. I love, breathe and dream travel 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. My passion for this industry has given me the opportunity to explore and experience countless destinations and acquired lots of valuable information that

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No Scholar Yet
Valerie Ritacco
Power Travel
Plainview, NY

We live on such a beautiful planet. And China is one destination you deserve to see, every last square mile of it. I've had a lifetime passion to discover the world around us. Absorbing new cultures, foods, traditions and sights are experiences that I treasure, and ones I strive to make possible

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