Shanghai’s Search For Sustainable Solutions

  • imperial I
  • April 23, 2013

Image of Sustainable Solutions in Shanghai

Shanghai is home to 23 million people – imagine the entire population of Australia (plus a few more) crammed onto a tiny corner of the Yangtze River Delta. It will come as no surprise that this population density brings with it enormous environmental challenges such as those we have become used to reading about in the media.

Fewer people are aware of the city’s growing sense of environmental awareness and conscience, as was exhibited by the recent Eco Design Fair hosted at the Cool Docks on the banks of the Huangpu River, where numerous companies promoted their eco friendly products and services to curious attendees.

What started as a small event held in the eco-friendly Urbn hotel back in 2008 has now grown into one of the most anticipated fairs of the year.  Showcasing alternatives for a new sustainable lifestyle from bamboo sunglasses to beauty creams made with organic Chinese herbs the main attraction this year was bio-farming. Through skyfarming workshops Good to China was encouraging city dwellers to grow their own rooftop garden. Meanwhile Mahota Biodynamic Farm and Fields were promoting traceability and quality – two keys elements that have been challenged more than once recently. Many of the organic farms that have emerged in the suburbs offer weekly deliveries of vegetable boxes to those living in the city center, so they can be sure the food they are consuming is chemical free.

Although there will be more challenges before Shanghai can claim to be a true eco-friendly city these kind of events put into light innovative solutions for a better future.

If you want to learn more about this annual event, go to

